Hello everybody !! We hope you are all doing great !
We (Cynthia & Tina) are taking over the ESPA news feed as we are the new interns. Get ready for a lot of posts in the near future !
First things first, we’d like to introduce ourselves to all of you.
My name is Cynthia, I am French & Belgian (yes, yes, both!). I study Business in the great city that is Lille, in the North of France; and my family lives in Belgium, close to the French border. I just arrived a little over a week ago, on an extremely sunny day (or at least extremely for England) and haven’t had rain yet ! (knock on wood!).
I met my lovely co-worker Tina, from Mainz, Germany. She is studying Business Education in Stuttgart ! Since she had been in Bath for a week, she kindly showed me around and we already went for several day trips ! She says that I’m her twin since we do everything together, which I find quite amusing :). We get on really well and are continuing on planning future adventures !
Stay tuned for more in the next 6 months !
– Cynthia and Tina

new interns
Want to read more about our interns’ experiences? You can do so here!